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Alexa & Ruthless Issue #3

Alexa & Ruthless Issue #3


After decades of rampant societal and environmental decay, a bloodless revolution transforms the U.S. government into an oligarchical theocracy.  The citizenry had been restive, practically fomenting, and The Modern Day Apostles offered them a holy receptacle for their desperation.  The New Theocrats, political scions of MDA, now have control of government and industry; but their promise of posthumous salvation has little relieved society’s pain. MDA concentrates disparate amounts of wealth within their congregation. They demand a compulsory tithe from every household. They have nearly obliterated the middle class. The major internet service providers have been consolidated under a state-sponsored surveillance program—a final stake in the heart of enlightenment.  But the winds are shifting. A small but vehement resistance is brewing.  The rebellious fringes will no longer tolerate repression, and they are armed with a secret that will shake society to its very core.  And somehow, a girl and her cat play a starring role in this dystopian soap opera.  The year is 2189.

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